Author Archives: admin

Slander and Efficient Christian Ministry

Charles H. Spurgeon

Charles H. Spurgeon

“The more prominent you are in Christ’s service, the more certain are you to be the butt of calumny [slander]. I have long ago said farewell to my character. I lost it in the earlier days of my ministry by being a little more zealous than suited a slumbering age. And I have never been able to regain it except in the sight of Him who judges all the earth, and in the hearts of those who love me for my work’s sake.”

— Charles H. Spurgeon

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Lord or Sir? Borthers or Sisters?

Christ meets Saul on the road to Damascus

Christ meets Saul on the road to Damascus

It is critically important that Bible translations remain true to the original text. The truth will set us free if it is presented…truthfully. Unfortunately, throughout the ages, as well as today, translators play with the cultural perception of the biblical message. Such playfulness often goes beyond the bona fide search for proper and adequate communication of the Word and changes the meaning of certain passages of Scripture. Such changes can confuse the reader or worse — lead to error and apostasy.

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“Our Father” Sung by the Worship Team at Bethel Church in Redding, California

It is rather unfortunate that the church in Redding has decided to remove this video due to copyright claims. I am not familiar with the issues surrounding such removal, but whatever the complaints might have been they do not merit the removal of this 50+ min worship song. Read my previously posted comment below as to the value of this, now removed, video.

Viktor’s speech at the Berlin Home Education Conference of 2012

Viktor speaks at Berlin GHEC 2012

Viktor speaks at Berlin GHEC 2012

In November 2012 I participated in the first global home education conference in Berlin. On these links you can both read my statement and listen to the session where I was able to present. Home education is a very important format for Christians training their children in the faith and in proper critical thinking. Therefore it will remain part of our work of spreading the Gospel and doing justice.

You may watch the whole session on the Court of Law at the conference here (Viktor is the second speaker at about 11 min).

Berlin GHEC – Court of Law


Faith That Works: Worshiping God or Caesar?

manif-9 septI grew up in communist Bulgaria when public false worship of the national false god was mandatory. One of the major roles of the government, and why not the main purpose, was to ensure obedience to the ideology of the ruling cult – the communist party.

The  photograph o the left has recorded a so called “manifestation” of the people in Bulgaria under communism. All schools, universities, factories, and all workers had to show up for these parades and shout worshipful slogans to the communist party, the state and its leaders. The socialist utopia was at its highest frenzy.
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