Who shapes our outlook on this life and the life to come? God and His Word, or the words of the culture around us, dominated by the prince of the air?
“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” When we don’t want to listen to the truth of Scripture we have ways of reasoning faith away by simply ignoring the Biblical teaching or by twisting it to mean something different from what it actually means. Christians have an obligation to teach those who accept the Gospel of Christ to obey all that He has commanded (Matt. 28:16-18). The Great Commission mandate is not just to listen to and marvel at the Lord’s teachings, but to instruct the nations to obey these teachings.
No one can teach obedience to Christ’s commandments unless they themselves obey His teachings.
A recent interaction with a long-term friend and supporter prompted me to post the following links which lead to articles and videos addressing issues that our ministry, and most Christians, engage with on a regular basis and issues which are of critical importance of understanding Christ’s teachings in these last days. There are a lot of publications on these subjects thus it is not necessary for me to repeat what others have already written or said on the subjects. The publications behind these links will raise a question or in some — just eyebrows. Yet the truth of the Word of God cannot be reinvented and laden with non-existent but culturally palatable meanings. Only proper reading of Scripture, led by the Holy Spirit will lead us to understand God’s will and to obey the commandments of Christ (which are not that hard: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor!)
The publications address homosexual imperialism, homeschooling, the authority of women in the church, and the church’s relation to Israel.
The Homosexual Agenda in Our Public Schools
10 Biblical Reasons to Homeschool
What Does It Mean Not to Teach or Have Authority Over Men (1 Timothy 2:11-15)
Marching to Zion (a 1:48 hr documentary on youtube addressing the relationship of the people of God to contemporary Israel in view of the New Testament and the end times).
It is noteworthy that the said links are from and for the American context and cultural scenery. It may seem that the content does not relate to our missionary work. Nothing can be further from the truth. US Christianity has had and still has an influence on the church and missions worldwide. American popular culture, also affecting the American church, popular music, Hollywood movies, technology, and worldview with attached ideologies affect the whole world through the power of the media.
We cannot avoid the changed context of the global culture we live in.
That’s why we must address issues and ideologies geographically removed from us, yet brought home through technology and speed of travel. Christian mission overseas is affected by the state of Christianity in other places and especially in the U.S. to which many Christians and churches look up to.
To illustrate the importance of understanding the spiritual dynamic of today’s global and politicized world we should ponder the imperialistic mandate of the then British prime minister David Cameron, who in 2013 announced to the nations that he wanted to export the whole world the same-sex “marriage” his government had so proudly of introduced into their own legal system. Cameron’s arrogant pronouncement sounds like the Great Commission, just with the opposite moral quality.
The favorite phrase of the superheroes of American comic books and their Hollywood offshoots usually goes like this: “With great power, comes great responsibility.” How we, as the body of Christ, handle the “power” of cultural influences and the power of God’s Word is of great importance to the fulfillment of the Great Commission entrusted to us by the Lord.